

Rows are wrappers for columns. Each column has horizontal padding (called a gutter) for controlling the space between them. This padding is then counteracted on the rows with negative margins to ensure the content in your columns is visually aligned down the left side. Rows also support modifier classes to uniformly apply column sizing and gutter classes to change the spacing of your content. The row block has the following options:

Device specific settings

Along with global options for a block there are also device specific settings. These settings allow you to specify options that will be applied to their relevant device size. The device sizes available match up with the Bootstrap breakpoints:

  • XS (<576px)
  • SM (≥576px)
  • MD (≥768px)
  • LG (≥992px)
  • XL (≥1200px)
  • XXL (≥1400px).

Device specific settings are tabbed and to update a specific device you simply need to click on the relevant tab to reveal the options. Each device has the same options available. For the purpose of these docs we only explain one device tab (as all of the other tabs are the same for their related breakpoint).

Highlighted Tabs

Due to there being options for a number of different device sizes it could become confusing remembering which settings you have chosen. To help, when you make a change in a specific device tab the tab will be highlighted green. If all of the values in the tab are reverted back to the default then the highlight will disappear.

Display (XS)

Hide on XS

You can hide this block on any device. As default all blocks are displayed. If you wish to hide a block on a specific device you can check this option. This option will only apply to the related device. To hide on other devices, click on the relevant device tab and check the Hide on [device] option.


The height option allows you to specify a height for the chosen block. The height setting will be applied to the current device and all larger devices. If you wish to have different heights on different devices you will need to click on the relevant tab and set the option. The dimensions field should be a number, the units field has a number of options: px, %, vh and rem. The value that is applied to the block is the dimension with the unit appended to it eg: 100px or 100% or 100vh.


The padding option allows you to specify what padding should be applied to the block. This will apply to the current breakpoint and all larger breakpoint so if you wish to have different padding on other devices you will need to set this option for each breakpoint. You can specify top, right, bottom and left. You should only insert a number into these fields.


The margin option allows you to specify what margin should be applied to the block. This will apply to the current breakpoint and all larger breakpoint so if you wish to have different margin on other devices you will need to set this option for each breakpoint. You can specify top, right, bottom and left. You should only insert a number into these fields.

Settings (XS)

Vertical align

The vertical align options allows you to position all columns within a row vertically (top to bottom). The vertical align option will be applied to the current breakpoint and any larger ones. This can be overridden on each breakpoint. There are three options available for vertical alignment:

  • Start: Aligns inner columns to top of row
  • Center: Aligns inner columns to centre of row
  • End: Aligns inner columns to bottom of row

Horizontal align

The horizontal align options allows you to position all columns within a row horizontally (left to right). The vertical align option will be applied to the current breakpoint and any larger ones. This can be overridden on each breakpoint. There are six options available for horizontal alignment:

  • Start: Aligns inner columns to the left of the row
  • Center: Aligns inner columns to the middle of the row
  • End: Aligns inner columns to the right of the row
  • Around: Aligns inner columns with space before, between and after them
  • Between: Aligns inner columns with space between them
  • Evenly: Aligns inner columns with equal space around them

Row columns

The row columns option allows you to specify how many columns to display per row without the need of adding the spans to each column within a row. For example if you choose the value 2, then columns will be displayed 2×2. The row columns option will be applied to the current breakpoint and any larger ones. This can be overridden on each breakpoint.

Reset Settings

Blocks tend to have a large number of settings along with different settings for each device size. You may get to the point where you have changed lots of settings and want to revert them back to the default. This can be time consuming and difficult to remember which settings have been changed to we have supplied three buttons that make this a piece of cake. Simply click the relevant button to reset your settings.

  • All: When you click this button is will reset all of the settings for the selected block
  • Global: When you click this button it will reset all of the settings outside of the device specific tabs
  • Devices: When you click this button it will reset all of the settings within the Device Specific tabs


HTML Anchor

The HTML anchor option allows you to set an ID on the current block. This is useful when you wish to link to a specific area on a page.

Additional CSS class(es)

The additional class(es) option lets you add any other classes to the block. This is really useful as it allows you to utilise all of the Bootstrap utility classes to quickly apply styles and add more advanced customisations. A few examples of this would be to align all inner content by adding the text-start, text-center or text-end classes. You also have the ability to quickly search all of the available Bootstrap classes. To search Bootstrap classes open the Add Bootstrap class select box. You can filter the results by typing in the available search field. When you select an option it will automatically be added to your class list.