
Accordion block.

Build vertically collapsing accordions, made up of a header and body. The accordion body can have whatever content you like from headings and paragraphs to images and videos. Control how accordions react to interactions and easily select whether to open an accordion item on page load.

Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop. Bonbon brownie bonbon halvah lollipop gummi bears jujubes. Bear claw bonbon macaroon jujubes toffee chocolate cake muffin.

Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop. Bonbon brownie bonbon halvah lollipop gummi bears jujubes. Bear claw bonbon macaroon jujubes toffee chocolate cake muffin.

Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop. Bonbon brownie bonbon halvah lollipop gummi bears jujubes. Bear claw bonbon macaroon jujubes toffee chocolate cake muffin.

Alert block.

Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages. Quickly style alerts by using theme colours, add a custom icon and even include a close button so that users can dismiss the message.

Breadcrumb block.

Indicate the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy. Add the breadcrumb block and we’ll automatically generate a breadcrumb for the current page. Customise your breadcrumbs with dividers.

Button block.

Make use of all of Bootstraps predefined button styles with simple settings for changing colours and sizes. You can even add additional functionality to buttons like popovers, tooltips and dropdown menus.

Button group block.

Group a series of buttons together on a single line or stack them in a vertical column. Quickly manage sizing of all buttons within the group.

Card block.

Bootstrap’s cards provide a flexible and extensible content container with multiple variants and options. All Bootstrap Blocks includes blocks for cards, card headers and card footers with full flexibility to add whatever content you like within them. Change the background, text colour and border colour of any card.


Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop. Bonbon brownie bonbon halvah lollipop gummi bears jujubes. Bear claw bonbon macaroon jujubes toffee chocolate cake muffin.

Card group block.

Use card groups to render cards as a single, attached element with equal width and height columns. Card groups start off stacked and use display: flex; to become attached with uniform dimensions starting at the sm breakpoint.


Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop.


Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop.

Carousel block.

The All Bootstrap Blocks carousel block gives you the power to create a cycling slideshow with as many slides as you like. Each slide can include whatever content you want. Use the quick settings to change the theme and control whether arrows, indicators or both show. You can even set a custom interval for each slide.

Collapsible content block.

The collapsible content block works with buttons and links to show or hide content to the user. You can include any content you want inside the collapsible content block including images, videos and anything else.

Toggle Content

Sweet roll donut jelly beans jelly beans muffin. Cupcake jujubes bonbon shortbread lollipop. Bonbon brownie bonbon halvah lollipop gummi bears jujubes. Bear claw bonbon macaroon jujubes toffee chocolate cake muffin.

List group block.

List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying a series of content. Each list item can be styled using the theme colours, turned into hyperlinks, marked as active and marked as disabled.

List item #1
List item #2
List item #3
List item #4
List item #5

Modal block.

Add dialogs to your page and toggle them with links and buttons. Each modal can have a header, footer and body. Each of which can include any content you like. Control the position of the modal, whether it’s scrollable and whether the backdrop should be clickable.

Navs & tabs block.

Quickly create navigations within your page using the navs & tabs block. Choose a style for your navigation from Default, Tabs and Pills. Mark each navigation item as active or disabled and specify layout options for each breakpoint.

Offcanvas block.

Build hidden sidebars into your project for navigation, shopping carts, and more. Toggle offcanvas blocks with links and buttons to display whatever content you like. Choose the offcanvas placement (from top, right, bottom and left), specify whether there should be a backdrop and whether the body should be scrollable.

Progress bar block.

Add progress bars directly in your page and use your own JS to control them. You can quickly style progress bars with theme colours, add labels, include stripes and even animate them.


Spinner block.

Indicate the loading state of a component or page with Bootstrap spinners, built entirely with HTML, CSS, and no JavaScript. Quickly customise spinner styles, colours and sizes directly in the editor.


Toast block.

Toasts are lightweight notifications designed to mimic the push notifications that have been popularised by mobile and desktop operating systems. Toggle toasts with links and buttons. Customise the header, content, colour and placement of toasts on a page.

The power of Bootstrap in the WordPress editor. Download the FREE plugin now.